Learning with Technology

PVSD is committed to creating teaching and learning programs that promote relevant, effective, and efficient learning environments to promote personalized learning and global citizenry. The district, working with various stakeholders have evaluated and identified a core suite of hardware and digital programs that support teaching, learning, and data management. The district continues to locate, evaluate, pilot, and deploy programs that support our school community. In order to use the hardware and software students are required to read and acknowledge both the Acceptable Use Policy for Technology and Technology Responsible Use Agreement

Below is a graphic of the various technology and digital tools used in the district.


PVSD hardware software

View a comprehensive list of applications used in PVSD.

Digital Tools Used Across the District Below are the district’s core applications that are used in almost all classrooms in the district some may only be for appropriate grade levels and/or content areas. This list is not exhaustive, however. Teachers do have autonomy to select appropriate and credible tools to meet the need of their instructional methodologies. Each tool that is selected by a teacher goes through a vetting process by both site-level administration and district-level administration. We encourage stakeholders to speak with teachers about the digital resources used in their classroom.
G Suite for Education

Core set of programs where students and staff have access to safe and secure online accounts that are compliant to all federal privacy laws.  These accounts provide students access to the following significant tools.

Email communication tool - ability to communicate with teachers and peers. Office Productivity (Word processing, spreadsheets, multimedia presentations, survey development, and drawing tools) Calendar Websites and Digital Portfolios Online assignment submission and discussion tool (Google Classroom) Automation tools such as collaborative bookmarking of research TypingAgent Typing program used in grade 2-5. Students use Single-Sign-On (SSO) with their PVSD G Suite for Education Account.

Gamified Grammar (grade 4-8) and Math (grades K-8) program used to build skills. Students have access to support tutorials if questions are incorrect. Teachers have access to dashboard of data to determine skills that are missed regularly to assist in driving instructional decisions. Students login to a secure site with district created IXL accounts.


Illuminate Data and assessment tool where students use SSO with their PVSD G Suite Education Account to access teacher administered online assessments.


Newsela News source (grades 3-8) that allows teachers to deliver articles to students and assess them on their understanding of the article. Students can change the reading level of the article from low to high based-upon their reading ability. The content of the article is consistent across each reading level. Students use SSO with their PVSD G Suite for Education account.


Reading Counts and Reading Inventory Reading Counts! is an independent reading program for Grades K–12 that combines reading practice and software-based assessment. Students choose from thousands of popular and engaging titles, read the books, and take the corresponding quizzes. This technology-based reading program creates a personalized and engaging learning environment that ensures independent reading accountability.


Khan Academy Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Students completed assignments and get instant feedback and video support if they are struggling. Teachers have access to a dashboard of data to show the skills where students are struggling.


BrainPOP BrainPop offers hundreds of animated educational videos across a wide variety of topics, all of which are accompanied by interactive quizzes, activities, and games. The content is intended for students in grades 3-12 and covers material in ELA, math, science, social studies, health, art, and technology. Students use SSO with their PVSD G Suite for Education account.  


Project Ignite Autodesk’s Project Ignite enables learners of all ages to gain practical hands-on experience with new software and hardware to build literacy in design, 3D, electronics, programming and more. Teachers create classrooms and invite students to join with shared class account. Unless, otherwise consented by parents, student accounts are not created.


Adobe Spark A design and demonstration online tool (also available as a mobile app) that allows students to showcase and publish their understanding of content via a webiste, a short post, or images and narration. Students use a teacher created, shared account to login.  


As a cloud-based collaborative video creation platform, WeVideo encourages student creativity, storytelling, engagement and multimodal learning. Video projects construct deep knowledge about a topic by forming skills like collaboration, communication and critical thinking.Students use SSO with their PVSD G Suite for Education account.


Overdrive eLibrary Currently being piloted in grades 6-8, The OverDrive collection is an extension of Corte Madera's physical library, only it’s online with 24/7 access to eBooks and audiobooks. It’s convenient for students to check out titles at home, on the weekends or during school breaks with no worry about misplacing a book or running up late fees – these digital titles automatically return at the end of the lending period! Students can read online or on their eReader of choice. Students can annotate, bookmark, and easily collect their annotations. The customized library is searchable by keyword, genre, reading level, and various other ways.

Literably is a classroom tool that helps elementary teachers monitor students’ progress in reading. The site administers and scores oral reading assessments (with a comprehension check), so teachers can spend less time assessing and more time teaching.