Student Handbook

 Corte Madera School

Student Handbook


Corte Madera School (Grades 4-8)

4575 Alpine Rd.

Portola Valley, CA 94028

Phone: (650) 851-1777

                                                      Extension                 Email

Principal Kristen Shima          2553            [email protected] 

Office Manager Susan Outland         2552            [email protected]

School Secretary Ashlie Contos         2551      [email protected]

Counselor         Todd Patterson        2654           [email protected]

School Nurse                  Abbe Keane            2655            [email protected]

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Kind

Corte Madera School General Information

CMS Panthers are Respectful, Responsible and Kind.


When your child is absent from school please leave a detailed message on the absence line by calling 851-1777, by 8:00am (student name, teacher, reason of absence, and identity of caller). 

Excused absences are only allowed for the following reasons:

1. Personal illness;

2. Quarantine under the direction of a county or 

    city health officer;

3. Medical appointments;

4. Dental, optometrical or chiropractic 


5. Illness or death in the student’s    

    immediate family;

6. Participation in religious instruction or 

    exercises in accordance with District policy

Students who demonstrate a pattern of excessive absences or tardiness may be referred to the county School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for possible review and SARB letters will be mailed home. Students with excessive absences are considered truant and may be required, at the discretion of school personnel, to provide medical verification of absences. Students taking extended vacations during the school year must notify the office and may need to meet with the principal about our absence policy. Trips or vacations are not considered valid reasons for excusing an absence. Excessive absences include excused and unexcused absences. 

Backpacks, Book Bags, Lunches

Backpacks and bookbags are to be placed against the outside wall near the classrooms or on hooks so they do not create a safety issue for students walking in the halls. Also, please make sure your child has all necessary materials including their lunch at the start of the school day. The office cannot be responsible for delivering dropped off lunches or other materials to classrooms during the day. Students can check the office to see if items have been left, but the office staff will not be making personal deliveries nor phone calls into classrooms to alert students that items have been dropped off as this is disruptive to the learning process.


Buses drop off and pick up students each morning and afternoon at the front entrance to the school.  Students should report promptly to the bus loading area as soon as school is dismissed to avoid missing the bus.  Students are expected to exhibit the same good behavior on the school bus as they do at school.  School wide disciplinary rules and consequences apply to all bus riders.  Therefore, students are expected to be courteous to the driver and fellow riders, to take a seat immediately and to remain seated, to not put their arms out of the windows, and to not distract the driver.  Students who fail to follow these rules will be disciplined according to the Sequoia Union School District guidelines, or SamTrans rules governing ridership. Repeat offenders may lose all bus privileges.   

Cell Phone and Mobile Device Guidelines

PVSD recognizes the importance of  communication and collaboration, and provides devices for students to be productive in the classroom. To keep the focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary distractions, the school enforces the following:

  • Cell phones and all mobile devices including smart watches shall be TURNED OFF  when entering school campus

  • Cell phones and all mobile devices including smart watches shall be kept in a student’s backpack– not in clothing pockets, or on wrist 

  • Cell phones and all mobile devices including smart watches are not allowed to be used in a classroom, library, common areas, or restrooms 

  • Cell phones and all mobile devices can be turned back on at the end of school bell and used to communicate directly with parents/friends who are assisting in transportation       

  • Cell phones and all mobile devices are not allowed to be used during transition times or between classes

  • If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, they are to come up to the office

1st Time Violation: The cell phone, mobile device, smart watch is held in the school office until a parent/guardian can pick up after 3:10 PM.

2nd Time Violation:  A referral is written and the cell phone or mobile device is held in the school office until a parent/guardian can pick up after 3:10 PM.

3rd Time Violation: A referral is written, the cell phone or mobile device is held in the school office until a parent/guardian picks it up. Student must check in their cell phone each day by first school bell and pick up at 3:10 p.m. for the rest of the semester.

It is a privilege to have a phone at school,

 not an expectation.

Closed Campus

Corte Madera is a closed campus school.  Students may not leave during the day, and parents must check students out of the office before leaving school during school hours. 

After school, students may go home and then return for extracurricular activities. However, students may not leave campus to walk down to a store and then return without adult supervision.  All visitors to CMS campus must first sign in at the front office and get a visitor badge. Visitors are not allowed to visit classrooms or walk through the campus without first signing in to the office. Animals are not permitted on campus unless prior approval has been granted by the CMS principal. 

Confiscation of Items 

Anything that distracts from the educational process may not be brought to school or on field trips.  Examples of these items include iPods, iPhones, iPads, portable electronic games and any other electronic devices.  We recommend that these types of items be left at home or if brought to campus, these items need to be turned off and concealed during school hours. These items will be confiscated, and held in the school office and will not be returned until a parent or guardian can pick it up.


Dances are held quarterly in the CMS MUR. These events are normally for 7th and 8th grades although 6th graders can attend certain dances during the school year. Guests are not permitted at any dances unless clearly specified by the Dean or Principal. Dances are from 7:00-9:00 pm, there are no in-and-out privileges, and students need to arrange to be picked up promptly at 9:00 pm. Students must follow all school rules, including the dress code, at all times. Students who do not comply may lose the privilege to attend future dances. Themes and admission prices are determined by the 8th grade Student Council. Students must be in school on the day of the dance in order to attend.


Lunch detention or after school detention will be assigned to students for the possible following reasons: excessive tardiness or absences, disturbing class, poor attitude, failure to complete class work, failure to complete homework, excessive talking, disrespect, lack of class materials, name-calling, vandalism,  inappropriate use of technology cheating, unsafe/ disrespectful behavior.  More than one day of detention may be assigned to a student depending on the offense. Detention will be supervised by a staff member. Progressive Discipline Guidelines are posted in every classroom. 

Dress For Success

Student attire should reflect pride in the person and in the school. Students who Dress for Success promote a climate of respect for self and others. Wearing appropriate clothing ensures that you make the right impression to achieve success as a student and encourages all students to keep their focus on learning and to be safe as they express their individuality appropriately. The following conditions are to be followed during all school activities, whether on or off campus

  • All tops and shirts must cover the midriff and back

  • Clothing must cover all undergarments and must be a non-see-through material

  • Tops that fully reveal shoulders are not allowed; straps should be 1 inch or more

  • Writing is not allowed across the seat of pants, shorts or skirts 

  • Pants must be worn at or near the waist

  • Shorts and skirts should be knuckle length or longer

  • Clothing or jewelry with inappropriate words, graphics, symbols, decorations or references to weapons/violence, sex, drugs/alcohol, are not acceptable

  • No personal grooming indoors

  • Head coverings worn for religious purposes are allowed. Hats and hoods are to be taken off when entering any building

  • No teasing, whistling, cat-calling or otherwise bullying students based on their clothing choice is allowed

Consequences for Dress Code Violations 

Most violations can be avoided if parents and students familiarize themselves with the Dress For Success policies. Parents should take an active role in making sure students are attired correctly for school. 

The school administration has the final authority on all dress code matters. Violations are not simply about clothing, but about showing respect for self and others. Repeated violations of the dress code can only be viewed as a deliberate choice by the student and will receive consequences.

First Violation: The administration will counsel the student and communicate home to parents. 

Second Violation: The student will call their parent from the office and ask that their parent bring the proper clothing so the violation can be corrected. The student may also call their parent to report they were in violation of the dress code but they were able to remedy the violation at school. Students may be asked to wear clothing supplied by the school. 

Third and subsequent Violation: Same as second violation plus detention.

Emergency Drills 

We will conduct a number of emergency drills (earthquake, fire, intruder on campus) throughout the school year. Students are expected to remain quiet and follow the instructions from the staff members for each drill. Teachers will always take roll during these drills to make sure that everyone is safe and accounted for.

Extracurricular Activities

Only students that are passing all of their classes and are able to maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher are eligible to participate in extracurricular athletic/academic activities.  If you are interested in participating in these activities make sure you listen for announcements and get the forms needed to participate. Students must be in school on the day of the extracurricular activity in order to participate. 


Parents are encouraged to partner with their student to monitor academic progress. Concerns regarding grades should initially be addressed with the individual teacher.  

In the 4th and 5th grade, report cards are sent home with the student after each semester. 

In 6th, 7th and 8th grade, grades are issued to students four times throughout the year.  Each student will receive a final grade for his or her courses at the end of the first and second semester.  Students will also be given a progress report grade at the end of the first and third quarter.  Only final semester grades will appear on report cards and transcripts.  For students in grades 6-8, grades can be accessed throughout the year online using the Powerschool parent portal system: Students in middle school are provided a username and password at the beginning of the year; parent access is provided at the beginning of school prior to Back to School Night. In the case of parents needing access to student accounts during the year, parents should contact the Office Manager. 

CMS Grading Policy

The Corte Madera Middle School Grading Policy is as follows: A+: Range 100, Grade Points 4.3   A: Range 92-99, Grade Points 4.0   A-: Range 90-91, Grade Points 3.7                  

B+: Range 88-89, Grade Points 3.3    B: Range 82-87, Grade Points 3.0    B-: Range 80-81, Grade Points 2.7

C+: Range 78-79, Grade Points 2.3     C: Range 72-77, Grade Points 2.0   C-: Range 70-71, Grade Points 1.7       

D+: Range 68-69, Grade Points 1.3    D: Range 62-67, Grade Points 1.0     D-: Range 60-61, Grade Points 0.67        

F: Range 59 and lower, Grade Points: 0 


Guidance and Counseling Services

Guidance and Counseling services are available to each student at Corte Madera.  The Guidance and Counseling program at Corte Madera is designed to provide students with support in the domains of academic, social/emotional, and career development. The Principal, District Psychologist and School Counselor can offer individuals and groups of students academic, behavioral, and emotional counseling.  Class discussions and group presentations are also offered in the areas of problem solving, positive peer relationships, and communication.  The Counselor also oversees the Student Assistance Program, which includes the Student Study Team, 504 Accommodations, and additional student support plans.  

Assembly Bill 2022 requires a school district to notify students and parents/ guardians on how to initiate access to available pupil mental health services on campus or in the community. Please contact our school counselor for more information should you require mental health support.. In addition, the district has partnered with Care Solace which makes it easier for students, families, and staff to connect with mental health care resources and providers in the community. Contact Care Solace 24/7 


Homework Policy

Students will be expected to spend a specific amount of time on homework, depending upon their grade level.  The expectations are as follows:

Grade Estimated Time To Complete Homework*    

4 & 5 40-50 minutes

              60-70 minutes

       7         70 -80 minutes 

       8         80-90 minutes 

* If your student is in an advanced math course, additional time on homework may be required. FLEX time at the end of the day for 4th and 5th graders allows for 25 minutes homework time to get a headstart on homework. In 6/7/8, students have an option for 0 period FLEX that starts at 8:00am. Middle School students also have the option to take Academic Skills in lieu of Spanish for additional homework support during the school day. 

Teacher Responsibilities

  • Teachers will provide students with an advance planning sheet or other written description of homework assignments on a regular basis. Assignments may be changed based upon progress of the class or special circumstances, but when possible, teachers will give advance notice of changes.

  • Middle School teachers will post assignments online using Google Classroom. 

  • Homework will not be assigned for Saturday/Sunday nights

  • Homework will not be assigned over a holiday break. Likewise, routine tests will not be administered on the day following a holiday break. 

  • Teachers across content areas shall consult with each other to avoid conflicting projects and/or major tests or assignments.

  • If a major long-term project is assigned, daily homework requirements shall be adjusted to allow time for the project.

  • Teachers will suggest techniques to students to help increase student efficiency. Students can expect to learn how to allocate time wisely, meet deadlines, and develop good study habits for each subject area.

  • If a student misses class due to illness, the student shall be allowed make up time to do the assignment equal to the length of the illness.

  • Teachers will not use homework as a disciplinary measure.

  • Teachers will regularly communicate with parents and students to ensure that this policy is being followed.

Parent Responsibilities

  • Parents will provide a quiet study area, appropriate equipment, and necessary supplies that will enable students to complete homework in a timely manner.

  • Parents will support teachers by helping their children to use techniques learned in class to allocate time wisely, meet deadlines, and develop good study habits for each subject area.

  • Parents will monitor time spent on homework and communicate with the teacher if the student is consistently spending more than the time requirement listed above. If it is determined that the student is employing techniques recommended by the teacher and the student is still exceeding time requirements, the parent shall be allowed to sign off on the homework after the time requirements have been met. This may only be done after a parent/teacher/student conference.

  • Parents should address initial grading concerns to the classroom teacher.

Student Responsibilities

  • Students will keep careful track of homework assignments by recording them in their daily planner or some other dedicated area of their binder.

  • Students will give maximum effort in completing and turning in homework assignments on time.

  • Students will give maximum effort in communicating problems and successes to their parents and teachers.

  • When a student is absent, he/she will take responsibility for checking with a friend or the teacher to find out what assignments have been missed and due dates for make up work.

  • Students must communicate with their teachers if homework appears to be excessive, too difficult, or if expectations are unclear. Students will make use of school resources such as the library media center to complete their homework.

Honor Roll

Honor Roll is given to students in recognition of hard work and fulfilling classroom requirements.  Students have the opportunity to achieve one of three levels of recognition: Honor Roll 3.2-3.499, Principal’s Honor Roll 3.5-3.899, and Highest Honors 3.9 and above.

Lost and Found 

It is important for clothing and personal items to carry a label of some sort that identifies to whom they belong.  Students should check the lost and found area adjacent to the library for clothing they have lost.  Check for lost personal items in the office If you notice a a valuable item is missing, please report it to the office immediately. We have cameras around campus that can track student behaviors. .Corte Madera School is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Make-up Work

Students who are absent from school for fewer than three days are to use the buddy system and call a friend to get the assignments and check Google Classroom.  It is a good idea to write friends’ phone numbers in the back of the student planner for future reference.  Students who know that they will be absent for an extended period of time (more than three days) should advise their teachers of this fact.  Alternatively, parents may call or email their child’s teacher to alert them of the absence.  After returning to school from an extended, excused absence, students have five school days in which to complete and turn in make-up work.  This time period begins when the student returns to school; the first day back counts as the first of the five available days.  Students who are absent from school due to their participation in official school functions are to tell their teachers beforehand and pick up assignments before the absence occurs.  Reminder that trips/ vacations are not considered valid reasons for an excused absence and classwork or homework may not be provided to students for extended vacations. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student.  

Parent Volunteers

Corte Madera School values all the parents who volunteer on campus. All volunteers are required to sign in at the office when they come on to campus and receive a visitor badge before entering a classroom or campus. Additional district paperwork may now be required to volunteer at CMS. Please check with the front office for possible updates to our volunteer policy. 

Responsible Use of Technology

The use of technology is a privilege. The district’s Responsible Use of Technology is addressed on the school registration form. For students to be eligible to use technology on campus, parents and students must review the form  and  agree they reviewed it electronically in the annual registration form. Violation of the policy is subject to disciplinary action. All technology equipment utilized here on campus or on loan from the district is intended for school related work only. Students that use their school accounts and devices for personal use may be subject to disciplinary action and may lose access to their device for a period of time- or access to non-school related applications. Additionally, students that lose or damage these devices/ chargers etc. will have to pay the full cost of the replacement pieces. 


Students who arrive at school more than ten minutes late must report to the office for a pass to class. Students arriving late from a medical appointment should bring a note from the attending doctor or dentist.  Students will then sign the late sheet and will receive a tardy slip to class.  Students who are tardy for any reason other than medical will be given a pass marked “unexcused tardy.”  Tardiness caused by late buses is considered an exception; students on late buses are not considered tardy and will not be disciplined for such. Students in 4th or 5th grade who are tardy five times during a Quarter for unexcused reasons will meet with an administrator. Students in 6th, 7th or 8th grade who are tardy five times during a Quarter for unexcused reasons may receive a detention.  


Office staff will help in making emergency calls home to parents when a student is ill or injured. Parents and students are urged to make social arrangements prior to the student coming to school.


Textbooks will be issued to each student at the beginning of the school year and must be returned in the same condition at the end of the year or when the student withdraws from Corte Madera.  Students who lose or do not take care of their textbooks will have to pay the full cost of the replacement book.


Parents are strongly  urged not to take students out of school for non-scheduled vacations. Vacations are considered unexcused absences. Time away from school can seriously impact a student's learning. Students taking extended vacations during the school year must notify the office and may need to meet with the principal about the district absence policy. Families will receive School Attendance Review Board (SARB) warning letters.   Make-up classwork or homework may not be provided for extended vacations.

Corte Madera School Behavior Expectations

Corte Madera School students are expected to observe school rules and exhibit good conduct and common courtesy while at school and at all school-sponsored events. All school employees have the authority and duty to enforce school rules and students shall be expected to treat all employees and school volunteers with respect.

Panther Paws are awarded to students who demonstrate the CMS core values of respect, responsibility and kindness. Weekly drawings (‘The Panther Paws Drawing’) are announced to recognize students showing positive values.

Overall Expectations:

  • Show respect to all school staff, volunteers, and visitors

  • Treat other students with respect

  • Respect school property and the property of others

  • Use respectful and appropriate language

  • For safety reasons, walk instead of run

Before School Expectations:

  • Arrive on time with the necessary materials;

  • Cross at crosswalks, follow school rules on way to school

  • Students may not arrive to campus earlier than 8:15am unless they have a 0 period. 

  • After 8:15am, you may drop your materials off at your classroom and then return to the assigned eating area to be supervised by staff. 

During School Expectations:

  • Follow class rules and listen carefully to the teacher

  • Work diligently during class and ask for help when needed

  • Remain on school grounds at all times during school hours unless the school office has been notified

After School Expectations:

  • After the dismissal bell, proceed to the front of the school and remain in the designated area until picked up by an adult;

  • Remain on school grounds only if under the direct supervision of a staff member or parent/guardian;

  • Cross at crosswalks and respect adult supervisors

  • Plan ahead for after school activities.

Lunchtime Expectations:

  • Follow directions of adult supervisors and volunteers;

  • Remain seated in the eating area until dismissed by an adult supervisor;

  • Throw all trash away when dismissed and leave your area clean.

  • Play in your assigned areas

Expectations for Bike Riders/Scooters/Skateboards:

  • Helmets must be worn;

  • Bicycles/scooters/skateboards must be walked in crosswalks and on campus;

  • Bicycles/scooters/skateboards must be parked in the bike rack area and cannot be left in hallways

  • Lock up bicycles, skateboards and scooters in the racks

Corte Madera School Behavior Guidelines

Academic Honesty 

  • Academic honesty is the fundamental principle of scholarship. The goal of Corte Madera School is to develop independent students who have a sense of integrity and ethical standards of study.

  • Cheating and plagiarism are unethical and wrong. The consequences for these acts will reflect the seriousness of the occurrence. Consequences may include receiving an “F” or a “0” for the assignment or receiving a failing grade for the course for repeated violations.

Bicycle and Skateboards

  • All bicyclists, skateboarders, and in-line skaters must walk their equipment while on campus. This includes the blacktop areas and the field in the back of the school.

  • State law mandates that bicyclists under the age of 18 must wear helmets. Helmets and safety gear are also strongly recommended for skateboarders and in-line skaters.

  • Bicycles must be locked securely in the bike racks provided. Skateboard and in-line skates must be stored in lockers or locked in skateboard racks. Corte Madera School is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen equipment.


Social Networking, Instant and Text messaging, email and other like ways of communicating with one another have become a reality for students around the world.  Although there are many benefits related to communication, there are times when the virtual world has a direct impact on the school climate. When cyber-bullying and/or on-line threats disrupt the learning environment for students, we take the necessary disciplinary steps to maintain a safe and positive environment for all students. Recent legislation supports school authority by adding cyber-bullying to school disciplinary codes. 

Cyber-bullying is harassment through email, text messages and social networking sites.

Dances – Available to Grades 6,7, 8 only

  • Dances are only open to middle school students. CMS dress code and discipline policies apply at school-sponsored dances. There are not any in-and-out privileges at dances. Parents must pick up students on time at the end of the dance. 

Harassment and Hazing

  • Hazing and harassment are grounds for disciplinary action up to and including suspension. Hazing is described as “any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body or any pastime or amusement engaged in with respect to these organizations which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical harm, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm, to any pupil”.

  • The Governing Board prohibits the unlawful sexual harassment of any student by any employee, student, or other person in or from the district. Any student who engages in the sexual harassment of anyone in or from the district may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Any student who feels that he/she is being sexually harassed should immediately contact the principal or designee at school.

Hate Violence

  • A student may be suspended or expelled from   school if it is determined that he/she has caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of hate violence.

Lunch Time

  • Students should eat in designated areas only. When the dismissal bell rings, students should dispose of their trash and go play in designated areas, or go to the library. 

Playground Behavior

  • Playground behavior must be safe and appropriate for school. Games involving tackling, wrestling, or rough contact (e.g. throwing balls at each other) are not appropriate for school. 

  • Sportsmanship, fair play and inclusiveness are Corte Madera expectations. 

Student Behavior related to Student Privileges 

  • The expectation at Corte Madera is that all students will be well behaved, respectful, and courteous. Students who have repeated violations of our behavior expectations risk losing the privilege of attending various school activities from school dances to class field trips or overnight trips. 

Tobacco/ Drugs/ Alcohol

  • Possession or use of tobacco or any products containing tobacco are prohibited and will result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension.

  • A student who is under the influence of ANY controlled substance, alcohol, and/or any other intoxicant will receive disciplinary action up to and including suspension.

  • The possession or unlawfully offering to sell any drug paraphernalia or any liquid substance or material that was represented as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, and or intoxicant is prohibited. Disciplinary action will be taken up to and including suspension.

Behavioral Consequences 

At Corte Madera School, we work together to provide a positive and safe learning environment by respecting others, ourselves, our work, and our school. We realize that parents have a great responsibility in the area of discipline, and we will keep you informed of your child’s progress toward self–discipline. We feel it is important for the school and parents to work together toward this goal. We strive to maintain a progressive discipline policy that is both fair and consistent. In general, the guidelines below outline the consequences assigned for any offense. However, the administration reserves the right to skip and/or change the consequence at our discretion, based on the severity or continued recurrence of the offense. 

General Guidelines

School rules apply on campus as well as going to and from school.

First Offense: Level 1

Verbal Warning/ Possible phone call/email home

Second Offense: Level 2

Lunch Detention. Phone call or email home 

Third Offense: Level 3

After School Detention. Phone call or email home

Fourth Offense: Level 4

Suspension. Student/Parent Conference

Fifth Offense: Level 5


Zero Tolerance Policy

  • California Education Code Section 48915(c) states that the principal or superintendent shall immediately suspend, pursuant to section 48911, and shall recommend expulsion of a pupil that he or she determines has committed any of the following acts at school or at a school activity off school grounds:

    1. Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm.

    2. Brandishing a knife at another person.

    3. Unlawfully selling a controlled substance listed in Chapter 2 of Division 10 of the Health and Safety Code.

    4. Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or sexual battery as defined in subdivision (n) of Section 48900.

    5. Possession of an explosive.

    6. Causing serious physical injury to another person, except in self- defense.

    7. Robbery or extortion.

Community Resources

Alcohol and Drug Hotline (650) 573-3950

California Youth Crisis Line (800) 843-5200

Adolescent Counseling Services (650) 424-0852

Suicide and Crisis Services (650) 368-6655

Crisis Text Line  (text “Start” to 741741)

Suicide and Crisis Line (650) 579-0350

Alanon-Alateen (alcohol abuse) (650) 592-7935

Nar-anon (drug abuse) (650) 948-4933

Alcoholics Anonymous (650) 577-1310

Nicotine Anonymous (877) 879-6422

California Smokers Helpline (800) 662-8887

KARA (grief counseling) (650) 321-5272

Family Services (counseling) (650) 326-6576

Teenage Health Resource Line (888) 711- TEEN

Center for Domestic Violence Prev (650) 312-8515

Peninsula Conflict Resolution (650) 345-7272

BREATHE California (408) 998-5865

SF Dept. of Health Tobacco Free (415) 581-2448

California Smokers Helpline (800) NO-BUTTS

County of San Mateo- Tobacco Prev (650) 573-3777

Care Solace- Mental Health Support (888) 515-0595

Annual Notification of

Non-Discrimination Statement:

Portola Valley School District programs, activities,

practices and employment shall be free from

discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of

any student based on the students actual race, color,

ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age,

religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental

disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity,

or gender expression; the perception of one or more of

such characteristics; or association with a person or group

with one or more of these actual or perceived


PVSD contact for discrimination, harassment,

intimidation, bullying, and Title IX contact:

Ormondale School Principal

200 Shawnee Pass

Portola Valley, CA 94028

(650) 851-1777 x2650

 PVSD Board Policy

Uniform Complaint Procedures - BP 1312

Parent Rights